
The Dates and the Disasters

Yingzi Sakura Huang
3 min readFeb 23, 2020

The conclusion of the transcript of the Bumble chat between HER (female, 24, Stanford University, Statistics and Public Policy, Big 4 newb consultant turned Big Tech PM looking forward to getting back in government when she vibes with the people in power, in a place where she can comfortably vibe with people who agree with her PC stance) and HIM (male, 26, UC Berkeley, Economics, software engineer, aka that frat boy with stubborn liberal ideals who stans Elon Musk from Berkeley that you know)


**A good amount of exchanges between HIM and HER that gets the conversation going…**

HER: lol you’re such a refreshing change from all the other bozo SE’s I’ve had to block on Tinder ugh the bay area

Can I ask you a political question?

HIM: Sure

HER: So what is your opinion of this whole Iowa thing?

HIM: Well as a certified Bernie Bro on r/SandersForPresident, I can guarantee you that no sabotage by the democratic establishment will stop the Bern

HER: I do agree that Bernie won Iowa if we are to look strictly at facts. Can I ask what’s your opinion on the whole involvement of technology in the voting process, specifically the app?

HIM: IT IS A SHAM. What a mess. Let’s go back to paper ballots.

Funny thing, I was talking to a Butt Gig supporter, a close friend of mine that I have made it more than explicitly clear that he needs a reality check on his politics, and no matter what I say about the fact that his candidate has legit ties to the app itself should fucking disqualify him from the whole damn race, he just keeps up this platitude of oh man but look Butt Gig is the moderate candidate that will secure the swing votes that Bernie can’t. What a fucking twat.

HER: OMG YOU ACTUALLY GET IT!!!! As you know, I also work in tech and there’s no app that’s going to have 0 issues on the day that it is put to use for what it was created for. But to spend only $60k and provide only 2 months time to create the instrument for ensuring justice and democracy for the United States of America?

But tell me though, do you think this is a problem of the people in power, or capitalism aka the system in general?

HIM: Damn girl you don’t give a man a break 😜

HER: 👀

HIM: *after some time of the … * Both. I would say it’s both. The people in power because we see what the democratic establishment, and the top media conglomerates, are doing. Capitalism because a lot of those who do not know better think the people in power are spewing actual truths, but frankly they don’t even think about who is in power and who is sharing the information. They just think, oh look, information that are facts, ok, let me believe it and share my opinions with the world, too, and propagate the disinformation and make it legitimate.

HER: So unfortunately I’m busy next weekend volunteering at a local voter registration center. But when are you free?

HIM: Are you free on Tuesday after work? I can pick you up if you’re in the peninsula and need a ride.

HER: Are you in SF?

HIM: As 90% of people would answer, duh.

HER: How about we meet at….

They go on a wonderful date and get married 3 years later, raise their kids in the SF Bay Area, and upon retirement, create and run a civic engagement nonprofit primarily targeting schools with more need, immigrants, and lower socio-economic status students.

3 dots from the deity of this draft of an unofficial dissertation:

  • This year of 2020, I’m publishing 12 pieces on Medium, some professional, some just good fun, because I love the miracles of language, the internet, and freedom of speech.
  • Currently, I provide free bff tips on modern dating on an app, because I enjoy it, and dating is hard enough, so I want to help people enjoy it and find what they’re looking for. DM me on Twitter!
  • Yep, as you probably guessed, I am straight and single.



Yingzi Sakura Huang

Generalist. Likes to talk about TVC's, Good Jobs, Organizations, etc. Sociology '14 Harvard. Best strength and worst flaw: Overcommunication. I’m major trouble.